2FA or two-factor authentication protects your Discord account from unauthorized access and keeps your data secure. It requires you to enter a six-digit authentication code—the second factor of authentication—in addition to the first factor—password—every time you log in to your Discord account. Follow along, and we’ll show you how to enable 2FA on Discord, so you can keep your account and its data safe.

How to Set Up 2FA on Discord

First things first, you need an authenticator app. Both Google and Apple have several authenticator apps on their respective app stores that you can check out. However, we recommend Google Authenticator and Authy since they’re free and easy to use. Once you’ve decided which app to use, download it to your Android or iPhone. In case the app requires an account, create one and set up the app. After this, you can enable 2FA on your Discord account on both desktop and mobile, as shown below.

Enable 2FA on Your Discord Account On Desktop

If you mostly use Discord on your computer, you can turn on 2FA on your Discord account via the Discord website or app. Here’s how: Discord will now send you a prompt asking you to enable SMS authentication and download backup codes. We recommend downloading the backup codes and saving them somewhere where it’s safe and easy for you to access them. Backup codes come in handy when you lose access to the authenticator app and ensure you don’t permanently get logged out of your Discord account. If you wish to set up SMS-based 2FA, skip to the next section.

Enable 2FA on Discord On Mobile Phone

Discord lets you add 2FA to your account through its mobile app on both Android and iPhone. Below are the steps to do this. Keep in mind that these instructions are pretty much the same for both devices.

How to Enable SMS-Based 2FA on Your Discord Account

SMS-based 2FA is another way to protect your Discord account. Although it also manages to get the job done, we don’t recommend it over the app-based method. It’s slower, less reliable, and not very secure when compared to the app-based 2FA approach. However, if you still wish to use it, follow the steps below to enable it on your Discord account. You can do this on both desktop and mobile.

How to Disable 2FA on Discord on Desktop/Web

There may be situations where you need to disable two-factor authentication on your Discord account, such as when you have trouble accessing your account or when you want to sell your account to someone else. In this section, we’ll walk you through the steps to disable 2FA on Discord so you can regain access to your account or transfer ownership to another user.

How to Disable 2FA on Discord on iOS/Android

On Discord mobile apps (both Android and iOS), it’s mandatory to set up SMS-based 2FA in order to get the “Remove 2FA” option. If you haven’t set up SMS authentication, the option appears greyed out. From the “My Account” page, tap the “Remove 2FA” option once SMS-based 2FA has been set up. To remove two-factor authentication from your Discord account, enter your authentication code or backup code.

Discord Two-Factor Authentication is Critical to Account Security

A second factor of authentication adds an extra layer of security to your Discord account. Although it lengthens the time to log in to your account, it’s totally worth it, as it ensures your account and its data remain safe even when your password gets compromised. In fact, it’s something you should enable on all your accounts to keep them secure. From here, you can also generate new codes. Make sure to save these codes somewhere for easy access.

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